Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying a React-Django App with Jenkins Pipeline, Docker, and Push DockerHub


In this article, we will go through the steps to deploy a demo React Django app using Jenkins Groovy Pipeline, Docker, and pushing it to DockerHub. We will start with setting up the project and creating the necessary files, and then we will configure the Jenkins server to automate the deployment process. Finally, we will push the Docker image to DockerHub.


Before starting, you need to have the following tools installed on your system:

  • Jenkins server
  • Docker
  • Git

Setting up the project

1. Create a new directory and navigate to it in your terminal.

2. Run the "git init" command to initialize a new Git repository:

3. Clone the app from the git repository.

4 Now install and setup Jenkins with Java which required for Jenkins.

Jenkins Pipeline

To create a Jenkins pipeline using Groovy syntax with secret text credentials and a Docker push task, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Jenkins dashboard and click on the "New Item" button.
  2. Name your pipeline and select "Pipeline" as the project type.
  3. In the Pipeline section, select "Pipeline script" and then choose "Groovy" as the scripting language.
  4. Write your pipeline script in the editor, including stages, steps, and any necessary parameters or variables.
  5. Define your credentials as secret text in the Jenkins Credentials Manager.
  6. In your pipeline script, use the withCredentials block to access your secret text credential by ID.
  7. Add a dockerBuildAndPush step to your script to build and push your Docker image to a container registry.
  8. Test your script by clicking the "Pipeline Syntax" button and running a syntax check.
  9. Save your script and run the pipeline by clicking the "Build Now" button on the job page.

By following these steps and using the withCredentials block to securely access your secret text credentials, as well as including a Docker push task in your pipeline script, you can create a Jenkins pipeline using Groovy syntax to automate your software delivery process and deploy your application to a container registry.


In this article, we went through the steps to deploy a demo React Django app using Jenkins Groovy Pipeline, Docker file, and pushing it to DockerHub. We started with setting up the project and creating the necessary files, and then we configured the Jenkins server to automate the deployment process. Finally, we pushed the Docker image to DockerHub. By following these steps, you can deploy your own React Django app using Jenkins and Docker